Monday, December 19, 2011

It’s beginning to look alot like Christmas…


and it has been since Black Friday at my house but I haven’t stopped long enough to blog about it. Wow! I can’t believe Christmas is less than a week away. I have so much to blog about…I hope you don’t get tired of the posts.

We put on Christmas music to set the mood. Gabrielle and Cassidy was already hyped up as you can see from these photos.





Every year it’s the same thing…they start out with a bang ooohing and aaaahing over their favorite ornaments from the past but then too quickly get tired of doing it. I end up having to keep after them to finish what they started.













Cassidy is always on the lookout for a good photo op… LOL!












They get side-tracked and poor ole Bruiser puts up with them decorating him also. He’s a good sport about it.


Don’t you just feel sorry for him? At least, he acts like it’s no big deal.


Finally, it is completely finished and the angel topper is placed on top. They like to take turns getting to put it on each year.


It’s not a professionally decorated theme tree but it is full of our memories and we think it’s beautiful!

Stay tuned for more Christmas related posts. We have been busy, busy, busy.

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